Sunday, May 28, 2006
Mistaken Identity
I meant to post this a few days ago, but I forgot to...I posted it on my My Space blog. ENJOY!!

I'm not talking about me but about my favorite shoes. Yes, this entry is a story about my shoes! OK...I am strange, I know.

Last night my family and I took a friend of ours visiting from Seoul to our favorite restaurant. It is about 10 blocks away, so we walked there. The restaurant has floor style seating, so we have to remove our shoes as we enter. We have eaten at this restaurant and many just like it hundreds of times in the past 3 1/2 years, but this was a new experience for me. As we were getting ready to leave, everyone was putting on their shoes. I looked for mine and didn't see them. Everyone was walking out the door and there I was standing with NO shoes. They noticed I didn't follow and came back to help. We were all searching for my shoes. We looked under the platform, in the restroom, in the shoe rack, behind the front counter and I had NO SHOES! Clark was ready to walk home and bring me back another pair because I couldn't walk 10 blocks down the street barefoot. The poor owner of the store was searching frantically. I am sure he was wondering how the dumb American lost her shoes.

We had all given up hope when I spotted a man across the street smoking and talking on his hand (cell) phone. I looked down and sure enough there were my brown birks! I pointed him out and the owner ran over to get him. The poor man came running back in apologizing over and over again for taking my shoes. He saw them sitting there and thought they were the plastic bathroom slippers. My poor birks had a mistaken identity and I was sure I was going to be walking across Seogwipo with no shoes. ONLY me!

My only saving grace is that today, Clark had an even funnier experience. He was talking to me as we were walking to the van after stopping by one of the local beaches. We had parked our van by 3 others that look JUST like it. Well, because he was talking he didn't pay attention and opened the wrong van door. There sat a poor Korean woman who was half asleep staring at some strange American man who had opened her van door! Her eyes bugged and she jumped a foot! All Clark could say was sorry and shut her door gently. I haven't stopped laughing yet and he won't live it down!

  posted at 8:11 AM
  Comments (1)

At 3:18 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's too funny!!

I have always wondered how safe my shoes are outside a home or in the stairwell outside an apartment. I have no idea what I would do if I were to leave a friend's home and discover my shoes were missing.


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