Sunday, October 08, 2006
Art Time
Last week was our best week of school ever! For the first time since we began 3 years ago we have a schedule that really works for all of us. My Bug (my second grader) really doesn't like math at all. I have always saved it for last since I knew she didn't like it but by the time we got there she was REALLY didn't want to do it. SO, we now do math as our first subject of the day, right after Bible and get it over with. Now, Bug is no longer dreading what is coming up and we are able to get on with the "fun" stuff. I have also broken her seatwork up by subjects. I teach her for 10 to 15 minutes and then she does the seatwork for that subject right away. Before I was teaching all the lessons for the day and then leaving her to do all the seatwork at the end of the day and it was taking her forever to get through. With our new change our days are only lasting about 4 hours in the school room and every once in a while 5 hours. It is also giving us extra time to do fun stuff!
Bug's favorite thing this week was art time! We had a blast. I mixed up some paint in small cups and cut some straws in half. Bug would put a straw in the pain and then pinch the end of the straw to keep paint in it. Then she would put the straw to her mouth and blow the paint out and make really cool designs. I would only allow her to use 2 colors per sheet because more than that mixed colors together that didn't turn out pretty. She had SO much fun she ended up doing 3 pages of spot painting.
That evening, I noticed the girls were being really quiet which made me rather nervous. I immediately went on a girl hunt and found them in the school room. Bug enjoyed the art project so much that she wanted to share it with her sister. Bug had mixed paint all by herself (without making a mess) and had straws and construction paper out. She had the Bean up on a chair at the desk and was getting paint in a straw and putting it up to the Beans mouth and saying "now blow hard"! It was SOOO sweet! The just looked TOO cute for words! SO, I went and got the is what I do best! Here are some pictures from our day of art!

Bug's favorite thing this week was art time! We had a blast. I mixed up some paint in small cups and cut some straws in half. Bug would put a straw in the pain and then pinch the end of the straw to keep paint in it. Then she would put the straw to her mouth and blow the paint out and make really cool designs. I would only allow her to use 2 colors per sheet because more than that mixed colors together that didn't turn out pretty. She had SO much fun she ended up doing 3 pages of spot painting.
That evening, I noticed the girls were being really quiet which made me rather nervous. I immediately went on a girl hunt and found them in the school room. Bug enjoyed the art project so much that she wanted to share it with her sister. Bug had mixed paint all by herself (without making a mess) and had straws and construction paper out. She had the Bean up on a chair at the desk and was getting paint in a straw and putting it up to the Beans mouth and saying "now blow hard"! It was SOOO sweet! The just looked TOO cute for words! SO, I went and got the is what I do best! Here are some pictures from our day of art!

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