Wednesday, September 27, 2006
Making the Best of a Bad Day!
Well, I guess I did have more to blog about from the past few days than I realized. I guess I just haven't had the time to sit down and blog!
This past Sunday Clark and I were supposed to perform some interpretive movements at an English Speaking church service on the otherside of the island. The pastor had even advertised the event in the newspaper. So, our family dressed up in our Sunday Best (which in Korea doesn't happen often) and headed out the door to drive over the mountain Sunday. As we got to the van we found a flat tire! This exact same tire has been flat 7 times in the past 2 months. We are beginning to think someone is sticking things in it...but that is a whole different story that I will save for another day or just not worry about bogging you down with. ANYWAY, the tire wasn't completely flat but heading that way fast. So, dh sent us upstairs and he drove around town to find a car shop open on Sunday morning...yeah right! Of course it was not to be found, so he got out and looked for the spare. Well, our BIG 9 passenger van that we have nicknamed Big Daddy Cool, would not make a 45 minute drive over a large mountain on that little donut tire. SO, we had to call and cancel.
We were all very disappointed. We were sitting at home eating our cup o' noodles for lunch (since I hadn't prepared anything else...we were supposed to be eating at the church). We were all dressed up with no where to go. SO, we decided to take a family Sunday stroll through the city. We walked well over 2 miles. We ended up buying both of the girls new tenis shoes. Clark bought me a new tea cup. We walked through the traditional market. We stopped and played in the park and took some GREAT family pictures. We came home and had a wonderful time of family worship. Then we ordered Japanese for dinner, put a movie in th DVD player and cuddled up together as a family and enjoyed a relaxing day at home. It truly was a bad day turned awesome! Aren't those the best?
Since I have been in the picture sharing are some pictures that were taken out and about today...also 2 family pictures taken Saturday night at a team dinner.
This past Sunday Clark and I were supposed to perform some interpretive movements at an English Speaking church service on the otherside of the island. The pastor had even advertised the event in the newspaper. So, our family dressed up in our Sunday Best (which in Korea doesn't happen often) and headed out the door to drive over the mountain Sunday. As we got to the van we found a flat tire! This exact same tire has been flat 7 times in the past 2 months. We are beginning to think someone is sticking things in it...but that is a whole different story that I will save for another day or just not worry about bogging you down with. ANYWAY, the tire wasn't completely flat but heading that way fast. So, dh sent us upstairs and he drove around town to find a car shop open on Sunday morning...yeah right! Of course it was not to be found, so he got out and looked for the spare. Well, our BIG 9 passenger van that we have nicknamed Big Daddy Cool, would not make a 45 minute drive over a large mountain on that little donut tire. SO, we had to call and cancel.
We were all very disappointed. We were sitting at home eating our cup o' noodles for lunch (since I hadn't prepared anything else...we were supposed to be eating at the church). We were all dressed up with no where to go. SO, we decided to take a family Sunday stroll through the city. We walked well over 2 miles. We ended up buying both of the girls new tenis shoes. Clark bought me a new tea cup. We walked through the traditional market. We stopped and played in the park and took some GREAT family pictures. We came home and had a wonderful time of family worship. Then we ordered Japanese for dinner, put a movie in th DVD player and cuddled up together as a family and enjoyed a relaxing day at home. It truly was a bad day turned awesome! Aren't those the best?
Since I have been in the picture sharing are some pictures that were taken out and about today...also 2 family pictures taken Saturday night at a team dinner.

it is really hard to read this post and not get envious.
what a blessing!! a wonderful jesus-loving family!!! :)
thanks for sharing the pictures--they are great!!
it sounds like a lovely day! gorgeous pictures. thanks for the music suggestions!!
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