Wednesday, September 20, 2006
More of the Circus!
After re-reading that last post it makes my 7 year olds comment seem very rude. I promise it was in no way said in a rude way but in a very comical, breaking the tension, perfect timing, kind of way. We were very thankful for her comment because we all needed a laugh and we had NO idea she was THAT quick witted!
Well, if that was enough circus show for one day, this will surely top it off. As we were preparing to cook dinner I realized we needed some plain yogurt for ther recipe. SO, off to the kahge (Korean convient store) we went. It took a few tries but we finally found it at Family Mart. On the walk home my 7 year old (we will call her by her nickname: bug) carried the yogurt for me but had butter fingers. She must have dropped it 10 times...once it even rolled into the street and almost got run over. It became quite the joke on our walk home.
We were still in a giggly kind of mood as we prepared to cook dinner. Bug, trying to get a rise out of her Daddy, joked that Mommy was more fun with yogurt. Daddy then grabs the yogurt, gets a big spoon full and SMEARS it down Bugs face then takes his hand and rubs it in her hair. That was it. It turned into a FULL out yogurt war between the two of them. Yogurt was ALL over the kitchen! The baby sat eating yogurt and making a mess all of her own while Mommy grabbed the camera and snapped away!
It finally all calmed down. Daddy decided to finish dinner while I bathed the girls (a little earlier than usual. As the bath proceeded we hear a laugh from the kitchen and "SO, BUG...WHO is MORE fun with yogurt?"
LOL...such is life in the cirus!
Well, if that was enough circus show for one day, this will surely top it off. As we were preparing to cook dinner I realized we needed some plain yogurt for ther recipe. SO, off to the kahge (Korean convient store) we went. It took a few tries but we finally found it at Family Mart. On the walk home my 7 year old (we will call her by her nickname: bug) carried the yogurt for me but had butter fingers. She must have dropped it 10 times...once it even rolled into the street and almost got run over. It became quite the joke on our walk home.
We were still in a giggly kind of mood as we prepared to cook dinner. Bug, trying to get a rise out of her Daddy, joked that Mommy was more fun with yogurt. Daddy then grabs the yogurt, gets a big spoon full and SMEARS it down Bugs face then takes his hand and rubs it in her hair. That was it. It turned into a FULL out yogurt war between the two of them. Yogurt was ALL over the kitchen! The baby sat eating yogurt and making a mess all of her own while Mommy grabbed the camera and snapped away!
It finally all calmed down. Daddy decided to finish dinner while I bathed the girls (a little earlier than usual. As the bath proceeded we hear a laugh from the kitchen and "SO, BUG...WHO is MORE fun with yogurt?"
LOL...such is life in the cirus!

What a *hilarious* story (and the post below)!! Too cute!! Our family likes to do crazy stuff like that also...water fights in the house, silly-string and shaving cream wars outside (until a window was broken!). It makes for great memories, that's for sure!
One question though...was there enough yogurt for your recipe? LOL : )
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