Sunday, October 08, 2006
Climbing Hallasan or Taking a Big Ole Bite of Humble decide
Well, here I sit at my computer, catching up on all the blogging entries that I have been promising because there isn't much else I can do...but more about that later. This is my last one for the day though, I promise. After this I am off to update the girls website because I have neglected since I have been blogging so much recently! I am warning you ahead of time...this is a LONG one! :-)
Anyway, on to the post at hand. Yesterday (10/8/06) Clark, Tali, the girls and I went to climb Mt. Halla (the big volcanic mountain in the center of the island). It is also the highest peak in South Korea. It was Tali's birthday (HAPPY BIRTHDAY one last time Tali) and no one else on the team was crazy enough to give her what she wanted for her birthday...a climb to the top of Hallasan. We have made the attempt once, but started too late and had to turn around before we reached the top and we REALLY wanted to be able to say we had made it to the top! SO, Clark and I decided to go with her! And we had a GREAT day with quite the adventure thrown in there.
We woke up yesterday morning, packed a picnic lunch (PB&J's, trail mix, tangerines, apples, crackers, and Hershey bars), got our water ready and headed out to the base camp of Hallasan. We arrived there around 8:30 and were hiking by 9:00. The hike to Halla is 9.3 K and the elevation is 2,000 meters up. We headed off keeping a GREAT pace. Bug was walking and Bean was riding along in the sling. The first 3 K were the easiest but the early morning and the sudden realization that we were going to spend the day hiking the mountain hit Bug and the whining began. LOL! Tali, Clark and I took turns trying to make it fun and encourage her to keep moving. When we made it to the 3K marker we stopped for a short break. We snacked on tangerines, trail mix, and chocolate. As we were resting I realized that my right knee was starting to hurt. It seems that somewhere in that first 3 K I twisted my knee. I figured it was just a slight little thing that would be easily walked off. Bug and Bean enjoyed the time to play around the path.
While enjoying the break, we noticed a metal bar going up the mountain and were trying to figure out what it was. We couldn't tell if it was an irrigation system or a pulley of sorts or what until we heard a strange sound. We looked up to see a little tram style contraption coming up the mountain on the track. It was too cool. It was loaded down with Ramien and water to sell at a stand towards the top. Remember this tram system, because little did we know, but it comes in handy later on!
After a 15 minute break or so, we headed out again. The second 3 K were fairly easy as well. The path had a lot of loose rocks, but wasn't too bad. Every so often there was a nice wooden stretch of the path that gave us a nice break from all the rocks. Bug did MUCH better this time and was really starting to enjoy herself. Bean was still content to hang out in the sling. We were enjoying the beauty of God's creation and thanking Him for how Awesome He is! We came up on the 6 K marker at 11:00. 6 K with 2 kids in 2 hours wasn't too bad. We hadn't eaten a big breakfast, so we decided to pull out the sandwiches and have a quick lunch. Bean was happy to be out of the sling and Bug was happy to be sitting down. LOL! It was a nice picnic lunch.
We soon packed up and headed for the last 3.3 K! We figured we would be there in 1 hour since we had made the first 6 K in 2 hours total. This last stretch ended up being MUCH more difficult and Bean was no longer happy riding along in the sling. My knee started feeling more and more sore as it got steeper and Bean squirmed. I was slowing everyone down, so I sent them on ahead and let them know that Bean and I would be coming behind them.
A side note is needed here. Because of how early it gets dark here, there is a certain point you must reach by 12:30 or you can not ascend to the top. I didn't want to keep the rest of the group from making that point and that is why I sent them ahead. I let Bean play along the path while I rested my knee. When she was ready to get back in the sling we headed on again. We made the point at 12:26 and I just HAD to go on. Yes, my knee was hurting worse than ever, but I was only 2.3 K from the top! I had made it SO far. This is where my pride kicked in. You see, my Dad has always taught me that when it comes to sports "No pain, no gain...suck it in and keep going" My husband has always told me that I am one of the toughest women he knows. I enjoy being tough, I HATE being a wimp. I hate to admit defeat. Yes, I am just a little competitive! LOL! I love it when I complete a physical task. Plus, there were Korean grandmothers who were going all the way up! If a GRANDMA can do it, I can SURELY do it!
I absolutely refused to wimp out 2.3 K from the top...SO...on I went with Bean hanging out in the sling. I had no idea where Clark, Tali and Bug were, but I kept on going. I would climb for 15 minutes and then sit for 5 minutes while Bean played. Then we would go for 15 more and break for 5. You must reach the peak by 2:00 or turn around. That was my goal...2:00! My pride kept me going and those I past kept feeding that pride even more than the pain brought it down. You see every Korean who past me told me I was strong or I was doing a good job or that I was doing a difficult thing. The big group that had been near us at the beginning of the climb saw me at one point and they all stopped and applauded me. Now, can you see my head getting bigger and bigger. With all these people encouraging me on, I just COULDN'T turn around or stop and wait for Clark. I felt the sharp pain in my knee with every step but that darned pride wouldn't let me pay attention to it. It only made me push harder to prove I could do it!
I got to the point that said 0.8 K to the top. I looked ahead and saw the steep climb that awaited me and felt SO discouraged. But then I saw 0.8 K and I could never live it down if I gave up 0.8 K from the top!! So, on I went. I saw a couple of westerners and asked them if they had seen a little red head at the top of the peak and they said "Sure did and she is one strong little girl!" Well, that did it, my pride went through the roof! That's right...that is MY girl...tough just like her Mommy! A fighter for sure!
I pushed on and I finally spotted Clark, Tali and Bug at the top taking pictures. Bug was the first to see me! I heard that sweet little voice yell "MOMMY!" and I was SO glad I had made it to the top! Clark looked at me and grinned the biggest grin! I just know he was thinking "I was right, she is one tough girl!" LOL! He immediately asked me how my leg was doing and I *truthfully* told him "Oh, it hurts some, but I am ok...I made it didn't I?" Well, my loving husband knows me TOO well and he said "You are one stupid, stubborn woman!" Then, he lovingly gave me a BIG hug! We took pictures and took in the amazing view. Oh it was BEAUTIFUL!
If only the story stopped here, it would be wonderful! But, you realize that I am now 9.3 K and 2,000 meters up a mountain with a busted knee and I HAVE to get down before dark! We only had about 10 minutes at the top before the ranger told everyone it was time to go!
Every step I had taken to this point had been UP! I had never thought about the big difference in movement from climbing up and down. Well, whatever I did to my knee effected the downward movement MUCH more than the upward one. Every step I took down made me feel like I was going to buckle and fall. It was awful. I could not bend my right knee. I tried to hand the Bean to Clark but she screamed and screamed for Mommy. Between the pain and the task at hand her screaming for me was too much to handle, so I took her back and strapped her in the sling.
We sent Tali and Bug on down to the ranger station (2.3 K down) to see if there was any way to let me ride that wonderful little tram down the mountain. However, I still had to make it 2.3 K down feeling like me knee was going to snap. My wonderful, amazing, caring, loving, hero of a husband of mine held my hand and helped me with each and every step I took! As I favored my right leg going down I took a wrong step and twisted my left knee as well. At this point I couldn't take a step that didn't hurt. My legs felt like 100 pounds each. I know that if Clark hadn't been there helping me and encouraging me I never would have made it down. In only the way he can do, he had me laughing through the pain to get down the mountain. In my frustration I would yell "Oh Darn" or "My Word" and he couldn't help but laugh at his goody two shoes wife. He kept telling me to give him something better and "oh shoot" didn't help him stop laughing at his wife who won't say a curse word for anything. At one point I even swallowed a bug...GROSS!
Every time someone else would pass us going down and see me in pain my big head of pride deflated just a little more! LOL! Then 2 men came up on us. He stopped me and made me sit down and we soon discovered he was the ranger. He sprayed my knees with some bengay like spray and told me to take it easy and he would wait for me at the tram and take me down the rest of the way. Knowing I ONLY had to make it to the ranger station was a sweet answer to prayer, but also a big blow to my pride.
It took me 2 hours to make it 2.3 K down to the ranger station. As I had to be helped up onto the tram platform I took my BIG ole bite of humble pie! Knowing that Korean grandma's, my 7 year old daughter, and all sorts of other people had made it all the way up and back down and there I was wimping out and taking the tram down. It was a 2 hour ride for me to sit and ponder all of this. There I was climbing this beautiful mountain. Surrounded by God's Greatness and I started thinking about what a good job I was doing! What is wrong with me? God is SO great. When we loose focus he tries to gently steer us back to Him and when gently doesn't work, he takes us completely out of the game to make us slow down and focus on Him! Praise the Lord that He cared enough about me to take me out of the game long enough to see that He is the Creator of the mountain I was climbing and He is the Creator of me!
About 1 hour down the tram ride we came across Tali and Bug. Clark hopped off the tram and let Tali and Bug ride on down with me while he hiked the last 3 K down. Bug was SO excited that she had been able to help by telling the people at the tram station that her Mommy needed them. Then she got to climb up on the tram and ride down with me. She was such a trouper yesterday. About 5 minutes into her ride on the tram she had fallen asleep and snoozed the rest of the way down. Tali and I got to see a deer and beautiful fall leaves. It was a beautiful ride down and I was able to take in the beauty of Gods creation! We got to the bottom of the mountain at 7:00 and after 2 hours on the tram my legs were so stiff that I could barely move. It took me 10 minutes to get the short distance to the van.
We got home as quick as we could, ordered Pizza for dinner, took baths and headed to bed. This morning I woke up very stiff and my knees are still hurting. Clark is going to call the doctor that worked on his neck last month and get me an appointment. Until then, here I sit, not able to do much of anything and feeling rather helpless. But, when I won't be still before the Lord, I have learned that He will make me be still! So, today, that is what I am doing, being still before the Lord, and it is good!!
Here are some pictures from yesterday! I hope you enjoy them!

Anyway, on to the post at hand. Yesterday (10/8/06) Clark, Tali, the girls and I went to climb Mt. Halla (the big volcanic mountain in the center of the island). It is also the highest peak in South Korea. It was Tali's birthday (HAPPY BIRTHDAY one last time Tali) and no one else on the team was crazy enough to give her what she wanted for her birthday...a climb to the top of Hallasan. We have made the attempt once, but started too late and had to turn around before we reached the top and we REALLY wanted to be able to say we had made it to the top! SO, Clark and I decided to go with her! And we had a GREAT day with quite the adventure thrown in there.
We woke up yesterday morning, packed a picnic lunch (PB&J's, trail mix, tangerines, apples, crackers, and Hershey bars), got our water ready and headed out to the base camp of Hallasan. We arrived there around 8:30 and were hiking by 9:00. The hike to Halla is 9.3 K and the elevation is 2,000 meters up. We headed off keeping a GREAT pace. Bug was walking and Bean was riding along in the sling. The first 3 K were the easiest but the early morning and the sudden realization that we were going to spend the day hiking the mountain hit Bug and the whining began. LOL! Tali, Clark and I took turns trying to make it fun and encourage her to keep moving. When we made it to the 3K marker we stopped for a short break. We snacked on tangerines, trail mix, and chocolate. As we were resting I realized that my right knee was starting to hurt. It seems that somewhere in that first 3 K I twisted my knee. I figured it was just a slight little thing that would be easily walked off. Bug and Bean enjoyed the time to play around the path.
While enjoying the break, we noticed a metal bar going up the mountain and were trying to figure out what it was. We couldn't tell if it was an irrigation system or a pulley of sorts or what until we heard a strange sound. We looked up to see a little tram style contraption coming up the mountain on the track. It was too cool. It was loaded down with Ramien and water to sell at a stand towards the top. Remember this tram system, because little did we know, but it comes in handy later on!
After a 15 minute break or so, we headed out again. The second 3 K were fairly easy as well. The path had a lot of loose rocks, but wasn't too bad. Every so often there was a nice wooden stretch of the path that gave us a nice break from all the rocks. Bug did MUCH better this time and was really starting to enjoy herself. Bean was still content to hang out in the sling. We were enjoying the beauty of God's creation and thanking Him for how Awesome He is! We came up on the 6 K marker at 11:00. 6 K with 2 kids in 2 hours wasn't too bad. We hadn't eaten a big breakfast, so we decided to pull out the sandwiches and have a quick lunch. Bean was happy to be out of the sling and Bug was happy to be sitting down. LOL! It was a nice picnic lunch.
We soon packed up and headed for the last 3.3 K! We figured we would be there in 1 hour since we had made the first 6 K in 2 hours total. This last stretch ended up being MUCH more difficult and Bean was no longer happy riding along in the sling. My knee started feeling more and more sore as it got steeper and Bean squirmed. I was slowing everyone down, so I sent them on ahead and let them know that Bean and I would be coming behind them.
A side note is needed here. Because of how early it gets dark here, there is a certain point you must reach by 12:30 or you can not ascend to the top. I didn't want to keep the rest of the group from making that point and that is why I sent them ahead. I let Bean play along the path while I rested my knee. When she was ready to get back in the sling we headed on again. We made the point at 12:26 and I just HAD to go on. Yes, my knee was hurting worse than ever, but I was only 2.3 K from the top! I had made it SO far. This is where my pride kicked in. You see, my Dad has always taught me that when it comes to sports "No pain, no gain...suck it in and keep going" My husband has always told me that I am one of the toughest women he knows. I enjoy being tough, I HATE being a wimp. I hate to admit defeat. Yes, I am just a little competitive! LOL! I love it when I complete a physical task. Plus, there were Korean grandmothers who were going all the way up! If a GRANDMA can do it, I can SURELY do it!
I absolutely refused to wimp out 2.3 K from the top...SO...on I went with Bean hanging out in the sling. I had no idea where Clark, Tali and Bug were, but I kept on going. I would climb for 15 minutes and then sit for 5 minutes while Bean played. Then we would go for 15 more and break for 5. You must reach the peak by 2:00 or turn around. That was my goal...2:00! My pride kept me going and those I past kept feeding that pride even more than the pain brought it down. You see every Korean who past me told me I was strong or I was doing a good job or that I was doing a difficult thing. The big group that had been near us at the beginning of the climb saw me at one point and they all stopped and applauded me. Now, can you see my head getting bigger and bigger. With all these people encouraging me on, I just COULDN'T turn around or stop and wait for Clark. I felt the sharp pain in my knee with every step but that darned pride wouldn't let me pay attention to it. It only made me push harder to prove I could do it!
I got to the point that said 0.8 K to the top. I looked ahead and saw the steep climb that awaited me and felt SO discouraged. But then I saw 0.8 K and I could never live it down if I gave up 0.8 K from the top!! So, on I went. I saw a couple of westerners and asked them if they had seen a little red head at the top of the peak and they said "Sure did and she is one strong little girl!" Well, that did it, my pride went through the roof! That's right...that is MY girl...tough just like her Mommy! A fighter for sure!
I pushed on and I finally spotted Clark, Tali and Bug at the top taking pictures. Bug was the first to see me! I heard that sweet little voice yell "MOMMY!" and I was SO glad I had made it to the top! Clark looked at me and grinned the biggest grin! I just know he was thinking "I was right, she is one tough girl!" LOL! He immediately asked me how my leg was doing and I *truthfully* told him "Oh, it hurts some, but I am ok...I made it didn't I?" Well, my loving husband knows me TOO well and he said "You are one stupid, stubborn woman!" Then, he lovingly gave me a BIG hug! We took pictures and took in the amazing view. Oh it was BEAUTIFUL!
If only the story stopped here, it would be wonderful! But, you realize that I am now 9.3 K and 2,000 meters up a mountain with a busted knee and I HAVE to get down before dark! We only had about 10 minutes at the top before the ranger told everyone it was time to go!
Every step I had taken to this point had been UP! I had never thought about the big difference in movement from climbing up and down. Well, whatever I did to my knee effected the downward movement MUCH more than the upward one. Every step I took down made me feel like I was going to buckle and fall. It was awful. I could not bend my right knee. I tried to hand the Bean to Clark but she screamed and screamed for Mommy. Between the pain and the task at hand her screaming for me was too much to handle, so I took her back and strapped her in the sling.
We sent Tali and Bug on down to the ranger station (2.3 K down) to see if there was any way to let me ride that wonderful little tram down the mountain. However, I still had to make it 2.3 K down feeling like me knee was going to snap. My wonderful, amazing, caring, loving, hero of a husband of mine held my hand and helped me with each and every step I took! As I favored my right leg going down I took a wrong step and twisted my left knee as well. At this point I couldn't take a step that didn't hurt. My legs felt like 100 pounds each. I know that if Clark hadn't been there helping me and encouraging me I never would have made it down. In only the way he can do, he had me laughing through the pain to get down the mountain. In my frustration I would yell "Oh Darn" or "My Word" and he couldn't help but laugh at his goody two shoes wife. He kept telling me to give him something better and "oh shoot" didn't help him stop laughing at his wife who won't say a curse word for anything. At one point I even swallowed a bug...GROSS!
Every time someone else would pass us going down and see me in pain my big head of pride deflated just a little more! LOL! Then 2 men came up on us. He stopped me and made me sit down and we soon discovered he was the ranger. He sprayed my knees with some bengay like spray and told me to take it easy and he would wait for me at the tram and take me down the rest of the way. Knowing I ONLY had to make it to the ranger station was a sweet answer to prayer, but also a big blow to my pride.
It took me 2 hours to make it 2.3 K down to the ranger station. As I had to be helped up onto the tram platform I took my BIG ole bite of humble pie! Knowing that Korean grandma's, my 7 year old daughter, and all sorts of other people had made it all the way up and back down and there I was wimping out and taking the tram down. It was a 2 hour ride for me to sit and ponder all of this. There I was climbing this beautiful mountain. Surrounded by God's Greatness and I started thinking about what a good job I was doing! What is wrong with me? God is SO great. When we loose focus he tries to gently steer us back to Him and when gently doesn't work, he takes us completely out of the game to make us slow down and focus on Him! Praise the Lord that He cared enough about me to take me out of the game long enough to see that He is the Creator of the mountain I was climbing and He is the Creator of me!
About 1 hour down the tram ride we came across Tali and Bug. Clark hopped off the tram and let Tali and Bug ride on down with me while he hiked the last 3 K down. Bug was SO excited that she had been able to help by telling the people at the tram station that her Mommy needed them. Then she got to climb up on the tram and ride down with me. She was such a trouper yesterday. About 5 minutes into her ride on the tram she had fallen asleep and snoozed the rest of the way down. Tali and I got to see a deer and beautiful fall leaves. It was a beautiful ride down and I was able to take in the beauty of Gods creation! We got to the bottom of the mountain at 7:00 and after 2 hours on the tram my legs were so stiff that I could barely move. It took me 10 minutes to get the short distance to the van.
We got home as quick as we could, ordered Pizza for dinner, took baths and headed to bed. This morning I woke up very stiff and my knees are still hurting. Clark is going to call the doctor that worked on his neck last month and get me an appointment. Until then, here I sit, not able to do much of anything and feeling rather helpless. But, when I won't be still before the Lord, I have learned that He will make me be still! So, today, that is what I am doing, being still before the Lord, and it is good!!
Here are some pictures from yesterday! I hope you enjoy them!

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