Wednesday, October 18, 2006
A Typical Sunday
As I am doing my series on Life in Korea I thought I might share a typical Sunday for our family with you. We have 3 different types of Sundays, Korean Church Sundays, Team Worship and Family Worship. We must admit that family worship is our favorite these days. Being missionaries, Monday through Friday is homeschool for the girls and work in the city/villages/University for Daddy. Saturday usually means we get to be together as a family but it often brings meetings with team or with local Koreans. So, by Sunday, we are ready for some good family time and we sure did get it this past Sunday.
We woke up at our typical 6:30 to 7:00 and then had the girls up around 8:00 or so. We all went through our normal morning routine and then had breakfast together. After breakfast we all chipped in and cleaned up the apartment some. Even Bean helped out by copying Sissy and putting toys in the toy bin. By lunch the apartment didn't look too bad, so we grabbed a bite to eat and headed out. We got to Cinnabun/Seatles Best (our favorite family worship site) around 3 or so.
We stopped by the swings our front to let the girls play. We all sat on one swing for a while but when the second one was free the girls headed over there and Clark and I actually got to sit alone for 15 minutes...that NEVER happens (so maybe it wasn't so typical a day after all...LOL)! After about 45 minutes on the swings the girls were ready to go inside and get to the business of eating some Cinnabuns!
We headed in and ordered our 2 Cinnabuns, coffee for Daddy, hot choco for the girls and a strawberry ice drink for me and then waited in the Sunday line for our food. When the order was finally filled, we headed upstairs to the comfy chairs! We got our favorite spot in the corner and enjoyed our treat. These times are the best. Sitting and felllowshiping as a family. No TV, no telephone, no internet, no work, just time to be a family! We talked, we shared, we even laughed till our sides hurt. It was a FUN time!
When Bean had enough of the sitting in one place, she headed out to explore the balcony. Bug wasn't far behind her (after she made sure every last bite of the Cinnabun had been consumed...LOL)! I cleaned up and moved our stuff out to the balcony as we let the girls run off some of that Cinnabun sugar high they were on. I snapped some awesome pictures of them while they played! They really got a kick out of the donkey making noises across the street! We have no idea why there were donkey rides across the street today, but it did keep the girls entertained!
When the started to calm down, we settled in to worship as a family. Our time started with a family prayer time and then we sang worship songs. Bug picked all of our songs today. We sang Behold, Amazing Grace, and Step by Step. Then Daddy taught us. Bug read the Bible passage, Bean scribbled on napkins, and we all got a message from God. While Daddy was giving us the message we paused to watch the sun go down. As we worshipped the Lord, we were able to see HIS glory surround us as we experienced the BEAUTIFUL sunset! God is SO good.
As we closed worship time, we played just a little more on the balcony snapping a few more pictures and then headed to the van. We didn't make it all the way as we had to stop by the kaghe (convenient store) to get some water and crackers for the drive home.
This is a very typical Sunday for us and I hope you enjoyed me sharing it with you. This didn't have a lot of Korean culture in it, but it did give you a glimpse into some family time of a missionary family. Hope you enjoyed.
Create Your Own!
We woke up at our typical 6:30 to 7:00 and then had the girls up around 8:00 or so. We all went through our normal morning routine and then had breakfast together. After breakfast we all chipped in and cleaned up the apartment some. Even Bean helped out by copying Sissy and putting toys in the toy bin. By lunch the apartment didn't look too bad, so we grabbed a bite to eat and headed out. We got to Cinnabun/Seatles Best (our favorite family worship site) around 3 or so.
We stopped by the swings our front to let the girls play. We all sat on one swing for a while but when the second one was free the girls headed over there and Clark and I actually got to sit alone for 15 minutes...that NEVER happens (so maybe it wasn't so typical a day after all...LOL)! After about 45 minutes on the swings the girls were ready to go inside and get to the business of eating some Cinnabuns!
We headed in and ordered our 2 Cinnabuns, coffee for Daddy, hot choco for the girls and a strawberry ice drink for me and then waited in the Sunday line for our food. When the order was finally filled, we headed upstairs to the comfy chairs! We got our favorite spot in the corner and enjoyed our treat. These times are the best. Sitting and felllowshiping as a family. No TV, no telephone, no internet, no work, just time to be a family! We talked, we shared, we even laughed till our sides hurt. It was a FUN time!
When Bean had enough of the sitting in one place, she headed out to explore the balcony. Bug wasn't far behind her (after she made sure every last bite of the Cinnabun had been consumed...LOL)! I cleaned up and moved our stuff out to the balcony as we let the girls run off some of that Cinnabun sugar high they were on. I snapped some awesome pictures of them while they played! They really got a kick out of the donkey making noises across the street! We have no idea why there were donkey rides across the street today, but it did keep the girls entertained!
When the started to calm down, we settled in to worship as a family. Our time started with a family prayer time and then we sang worship songs. Bug picked all of our songs today. We sang Behold, Amazing Grace, and Step by Step. Then Daddy taught us. Bug read the Bible passage, Bean scribbled on napkins, and we all got a message from God. While Daddy was giving us the message we paused to watch the sun go down. As we worshipped the Lord, we were able to see HIS glory surround us as we experienced the BEAUTIFUL sunset! God is SO good.
As we closed worship time, we played just a little more on the balcony snapping a few more pictures and then headed to the van. We didn't make it all the way as we had to stop by the kaghe (convenient store) to get some water and crackers for the drive home.
This is a very typical Sunday for us and I hope you enjoyed me sharing it with you. This didn't have a lot of Korean culture in it, but it did give you a glimpse into some family time of a missionary family. Hope you enjoyed.

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