Thursday, October 26, 2006

Last night the girls uncovered an oldie but a goodie in the toy bin labled Random Toys. We very rarely get this bin out but today they decided to go explore it. They dug down deep to the bottom and found Mr. Potato Head! This may seem REALLY strange to post about, but it was SOO much fun! Clark, Bug, Bean, and I all 3 sat in the playroom for TWO hours laughing and playing with this classic toy! It doesn't make any noises, it doesn't have any lights that blink, but it is the most fun we have had playing with a toy together in a long time. Watching the girls creativity was awesome. Watching the baby realize we were trying to make faces LAUGH when we put eyes in the mouth hole or a tongue in the ear hole. The giggles were contagious until we were all laughing so hard our sides hurt. Who says you need the newest toys to have a fun time when you can have a Mr. Potato head! :-)
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