Friday, March 09, 2007
The REAL Pink Barbie Castle
We have been in our house for a little over a month now and I have kept myself from blogging about the pink barbie house, but every time I leave my house it just BEGS to be blogged about! A little back story is due here. The week before we moved here I was talking to our Landlord about the neighborhood. She told me everyone was very laid back and not too picky about things. She ended the topic by saying "Just wait until you see the pink Barbie house across the street." I assumed that meant there was a family with children who had a plastic Barbie playhouse in their yard. I couldn't have been MORE wrong!

The first night we arrived here we didn't notice the "castle" because it was too dark. However, early the next morning when we stepped out to the driveway to unload the moving van, there it was! It wasn't a cute little pink plastic castle. It was a house that has been turned into a castle. Yes, you read it right, an entire house across the street has been painted and designed to look like a Barbie Castle. It is as pink as they come and complete with a tower that has a shinny silver pointy roof! You don't believe me? Here, I took pictures, see for yourself!!

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You can't make stuff like this up people!

Melisa LOVES the Barbie Castle. She wants to live there and is very sad that it is an older couple with no children. A house THAT wonderful MUST have children living in it!

Now, it brings us to this morning and why I am blogging about the neighborhood castle! This morning Clark left at the normal time to go to work. I continued getting the girls ready, cleaning the kitchen from breakfast, and getting school started. About an hour after he had left I opened the blinds in the school room to let in the warm sun. Melisa all of a sudden screamed "MOOOM, the car is here and the door is open!!! Where is Daddy???" I thought that maybe he had forgotten something and come home real fast. I waited 5 minutes and nothing changed out the window. Clark was no where to be seen and the car door was hanging wide open! The girls and I headed outside to make sure everything was ok. We searched, but couldn't find Clark. All of the items he had left for work with (his bag, his coffee, a CD, and a small stack of papers) were sitting in the back seat. I started to get worried that someone had attacked him from the back...yes I jumped the gun and overreacted...LOL! I ran in and called the cell phone. After 3 rings he answered....WHEW!!! My first words were "WHERE ARE YOU?" He told me he was across the street. I asked if everything was OK and reassured me that he was and told me he would be home in a few minutes before heading out to work.

It seems that the owners of the pink castle, whom we had never met, saw Clark getting in the car for work and asked if he had a minute. I guess "a minute" in Mississippi means an hour and a half! Anyway, as soon as Clark got home I HAD to know what it was like INSIDE the castle! His exact answer was "There are NO words!" He then told me that sometime soon I need to go over and introduce myself so that I can get a tour and we can share this unique experience. The husband is a War Vet and has an entire room of memorabilia and the wife loves craft projects and has hand made all the decorations in the house! Clark even got to walk up into the tower. The couple informed him that they envisioned the "castle" and have spent the last 4 years working to make it perfect. They still have more work to do, but it is almost finished! All I know to say is OH MY!!!

It seems that no matter where God sends us, the strange and unusual follow!!!

  posted at 2:13 PM
  Comments (1)

At 7:47 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's a good thing we do not have a house like this in our neighborhood. My girls would have to go there EVERYDAY! I am surprised that you have kept your two out of it this long!


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