Friday, November 10, 2006
Glasses, Squatty Potties, and Tangerines, OH MY!
OK, well this is going to be a rather random post as yesterday was a rather random day! LOL!
We decided to put off the start up of school one more day and head out to get some stuff done around town. Our first stop was the bank to change out all that change I found into bills. It was quite the math lesson for Bug as she was fascinated by the whole process. I wish I would have had my camera to take pictures. She was such a proud girl carrying in our HUGE bag of coins. It also seems that I counted wrong and we actually had 96,000 won laying around! That is almost $100! Can you believe it? I was SHOCKED!!! We got our cash and headed to the store. 15,000 won of that was Bugs to spend as she had earned it either from the tooth fairy or from special chores that she chose to do. She was excited to buy some play clay and stickers for the airplane ride home! :-) What a smart little girl.
I headed downstairs and got myself the set of Korean stainless steal chopstick and spoons set that I have been drooling over for months. They are beautiful...don't you think?

Did you think I could post a story about my new set without a picture? LOL! I couldn't go back to America without my own set of Korean Style Utensils! I am SOO excited about them!
We ended up going to the food court to eat lunch and it couldn't be complete without Dak Key (strawberry) Milk Smoothies to finish it off! It was fun to sit down for a lunch out in the town during the middle of the week with my family! It doesn't happen very often! We had fun laughing, talking and eating that fun cafeteria style Korean food...LOL!
Your probably wondering where I got my title from by now aren't you? Well, here it comes!
Next, we headed downtown to the Ahn Kyong (glasses) Shop for me to get 2 new pairs of glasses before we head back to America. We aren't sure what our vision insurance will be like in America and glasses are CHEAP in Korea. I had fun trying different frames on and getting thumbs up or down from my Bug while my Bean was making friends with the other customers in the store! I ended up getting 2 pair of glasses, 2 carrying cases, and a bottle of contact solution for 100,000 Won...just about $100! Can you believe it? Isn't that a steal? for the fun part! Do you like my new glasses? I modeled them last night after we got home and Clark took some pictures! :-)

While we were waiting for them to cut out the lenses for my glasses, we headed around town for an afternoon stroll. Bug and Bean had been troopers the whole time we were out but Bug HAD to have a bathroom. In downtown we could only find "Asian" style or the infamous "Squatty Potties"! I want to pause here and let you know that I am posting this WITH Bug and Clark's permission! They think it would be fun to share since it is a part of living in Asia! Now if you don't know what a squatty potty is, you are missing out! LOL! In the worse cases (as found in Thailand and some rural parts of Korea) it is basically a hole in the floor that you straddle to use the restroom. In really good situations it looks like a urinal laid down on the ground that you straddle and use the bathroom over. I am sorry that I do not have a picture to go along with this part of the story...but I think you are probably grateful for that! We have been in Korea for 4 years now and we have yet to have a positive experience with Bug and squatty potties! It has been BAD...VEERRRRYYY BAD! It has been a LONG standing joke in our family! Well, today, Bug had her VERY FIRST successful squatty potty usage! We were both SO excited that we started doing the Happy Dance and sang the Squatty Potty song that goes something like this: "She mastered, she mastered, she mastered the squatty potty!!! Oh yeah she mastered, she mastered, she mastered the squatty potty! Squatty, Potty, Squatty, Potty, Squatty, Potty! OHHHHH YEEEEAAAHHHH...she mastered the squatty potty!" Our celebrating was heard by Daddy and Bean standing outside the bathroom door! When we emerged from the restroom, we got quite the look from them, but as soon as we explained the situation, Daddy was dancing and singing along with us in the middle of the street! Oh, don't worry, it was a back street and not that many people saw the strange Americans singing about the Squatty Potty!
We finally headed back, picked up my glasses and headed back to the van. Of course we had to stop at the little play area next to the parking lot and try out the batting cage, punching bag game, and the whack the mole game! Yes, we are a bunch of nuts and NO Korea did not do it to us, we were like this before!
When we got home we were fumbling with the key pad to our door when a neighbor from downstairs stopped us and offered us some tangerines. We thought that was very kind, so we went inside and got a small bag to collect them in. He said "no, bigger bag" so we sent Bug back in and she came back with a few big grocery bags to see what size we wanted. Our kind neighbor filled up TWO plastic grocery bags with Jeju Kul (tangerines) for us! I don't think it will be possible to eat them all before the go bad and/or we have to leave Korea! There are SOOO many! Here are the girls with our bags of Kul AFTER a day of eating on them.

By the way, does anyone know if you can eat TOO many tangerines? Bug must have eaten 4 or 5 of these today! I was sure she was going to be sick! I can't blame her though, Jeju tangerines and oranges are the BEST I have EVER had and I am from that is saying a LOT! If you ever get the chance to try a Jeju tangerine (Kul) or Orange (Hallubong) don't pass up the opportunity!!
SO, that was our day of glasses, squatty potties and tangerines...OH MY!
Today was much less adventurous! We got back into the swing of things working hard on school work. I must say it was rather sad though. Our school room used to be the fullest and most exciting room in our apartment. Now it is so empty that it echos! Here is one last shot of me and Bug during reading time.
We decided to put off the start up of school one more day and head out to get some stuff done around town. Our first stop was the bank to change out all that change I found into bills. It was quite the math lesson for Bug as she was fascinated by the whole process. I wish I would have had my camera to take pictures. She was such a proud girl carrying in our HUGE bag of coins. It also seems that I counted wrong and we actually had 96,000 won laying around! That is almost $100! Can you believe it? I was SHOCKED!!! We got our cash and headed to the store. 15,000 won of that was Bugs to spend as she had earned it either from the tooth fairy or from special chores that she chose to do. She was excited to buy some play clay and stickers for the airplane ride home! :-) What a smart little girl.
I headed downstairs and got myself the set of Korean stainless steal chopstick and spoons set that I have been drooling over for months. They are beautiful...don't you think?

Did you think I could post a story about my new set without a picture? LOL! I couldn't go back to America without my own set of Korean Style Utensils! I am SOO excited about them!
We ended up going to the food court to eat lunch and it couldn't be complete without Dak Key (strawberry) Milk Smoothies to finish it off! It was fun to sit down for a lunch out in the town during the middle of the week with my family! It doesn't happen very often! We had fun laughing, talking and eating that fun cafeteria style Korean food...LOL!
Your probably wondering where I got my title from by now aren't you? Well, here it comes!
Next, we headed downtown to the Ahn Kyong (glasses) Shop for me to get 2 new pairs of glasses before we head back to America. We aren't sure what our vision insurance will be like in America and glasses are CHEAP in Korea. I had fun trying different frames on and getting thumbs up or down from my Bug while my Bean was making friends with the other customers in the store! I ended up getting 2 pair of glasses, 2 carrying cases, and a bottle of contact solution for 100,000 Won...just about $100! Can you believe it? Isn't that a steal? for the fun part! Do you like my new glasses? I modeled them last night after we got home and Clark took some pictures! :-)

While we were waiting for them to cut out the lenses for my glasses, we headed around town for an afternoon stroll. Bug and Bean had been troopers the whole time we were out but Bug HAD to have a bathroom. In downtown we could only find "Asian" style or the infamous "Squatty Potties"! I want to pause here and let you know that I am posting this WITH Bug and Clark's permission! They think it would be fun to share since it is a part of living in Asia! Now if you don't know what a squatty potty is, you are missing out! LOL! In the worse cases (as found in Thailand and some rural parts of Korea) it is basically a hole in the floor that you straddle to use the restroom. In really good situations it looks like a urinal laid down on the ground that you straddle and use the bathroom over. I am sorry that I do not have a picture to go along with this part of the story...but I think you are probably grateful for that! We have been in Korea for 4 years now and we have yet to have a positive experience with Bug and squatty potties! It has been BAD...VEERRRRYYY BAD! It has been a LONG standing joke in our family! Well, today, Bug had her VERY FIRST successful squatty potty usage! We were both SO excited that we started doing the Happy Dance and sang the Squatty Potty song that goes something like this: "She mastered, she mastered, she mastered the squatty potty!!! Oh yeah she mastered, she mastered, she mastered the squatty potty! Squatty, Potty, Squatty, Potty, Squatty, Potty! OHHHHH YEEEEAAAHHHH...she mastered the squatty potty!" Our celebrating was heard by Daddy and Bean standing outside the bathroom door! When we emerged from the restroom, we got quite the look from them, but as soon as we explained the situation, Daddy was dancing and singing along with us in the middle of the street! Oh, don't worry, it was a back street and not that many people saw the strange Americans singing about the Squatty Potty!
We finally headed back, picked up my glasses and headed back to the van. Of course we had to stop at the little play area next to the parking lot and try out the batting cage, punching bag game, and the whack the mole game! Yes, we are a bunch of nuts and NO Korea did not do it to us, we were like this before!
When we got home we were fumbling with the key pad to our door when a neighbor from downstairs stopped us and offered us some tangerines. We thought that was very kind, so we went inside and got a small bag to collect them in. He said "no, bigger bag" so we sent Bug back in and she came back with a few big grocery bags to see what size we wanted. Our kind neighbor filled up TWO plastic grocery bags with Jeju Kul (tangerines) for us! I don't think it will be possible to eat them all before the go bad and/or we have to leave Korea! There are SOOO many! Here are the girls with our bags of Kul AFTER a day of eating on them.

By the way, does anyone know if you can eat TOO many tangerines? Bug must have eaten 4 or 5 of these today! I was sure she was going to be sick! I can't blame her though, Jeju tangerines and oranges are the BEST I have EVER had and I am from that is saying a LOT! If you ever get the chance to try a Jeju tangerine (Kul) or Orange (Hallubong) don't pass up the opportunity!!
SO, that was our day of glasses, squatty potties and tangerines...OH MY!
Today was much less adventurous! We got back into the swing of things working hard on school work. I must say it was rather sad though. Our school room used to be the fullest and most exciting room in our apartment. Now it is so empty that it echos! Here is one last shot of me and Bug during reading time.

"She was excited to buy some play clay and stickers for the airplane ride home! :-)"
That sounds like a sound investment! I bet it's a loonnnnnngggg trip home.
To Love, Honor and Dismay
I love the chopsticks...they *are* beautiful! And the squatty potty story was too funny...I came across a few asian toliets when we lived in Japan. Quite the experience, for sure! LOL
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