Friday, November 10, 2006
Moving Day
Well, the movers are here as we speak but they are almost finished. They came in like a swarm of bees and took right over. The control freak in me got rather annoyed at first. Especially when they started UNPACKING all my boxes!!! Oh my word, I was almost in tears! I knew there was nothing I could do, so I took Bug to the school room and got busy on a day of school work!
Our first subject of each day is Bible and boy did God team me a lesson while I was teaching Bug! Our lesson today was on the 12 spies that went into the land of Cannan to report back what it was like. 2 of the spies trusted that even though the people of Cannan were big and seemed powerful God was bigger and could bring them into the Promised Land. However, the 10 other spies were overwhelemed, stressed out, worried and knew they would be defeated. In the end, God couldn't bless them because the refused to believe Him and trust Him.
Well, I was beginning to feel defeated. I was complaining and stressing. I was not trusting that He who began a good work in me by sending me to Korea would be faithful to complete it and get me home in His own way. So, I stopped in the middle of the Bible Lesson and prayed. I prayed that God would take care of every detail of the move. I admitted that I couldn't do it, but He could. I gave up my control! I had to walk through the living room (where they were working) after Bible and I was shoked to see that they had stopped unpacking my boxes. Instead they were now taping their boxes to the outside of my boxes. I soon figured out that their company logo had to be on the outside of each box and that it was not safe to ship things in the see through rubber maids I had used because it leads to temptation to steal what is in it. So, they were simply covering my boxes to make sure they got where they were going and they were safe! Isn't God good! He opens our eyes to what we cannot see when we let Him!
Well, now it is 12:30 and the movers have been gone for about 30 minutes. I can't believe it took from 9 to 12 to repack all that I spent 2 weeks packing and load it. A short 3 hours and our stuff was out the door, loaded in a truck and on its way to Seoul and eventually America! It was so easy and fast it is almost unbelievable.
My girls didn't have such an easy time seeing everything loaded up. Bean just sat in the middle of the living room and stared. Bless her heart she was so confused to see everything packed up and strangers taking it out of our house! Bug had a few tears shed and got some special hugs. All she could say is "moving isn't easy!" And I had to agree with her. Yes, we are very excited about moving back to America. We are very excited about being with family and old friends. But, we are leaving our second home. Korea is all Bean knows and all Bug remembers! They are leaving their home! This is why they are called Third Culture Kids. They aren't Korean, but America is not the home they know either. They have a third culture unique to kids who live as expats!
Today was really the beginning of the good-byes that will continue for the next 3 weeks! Please keep my sweet girls in your prayers as this is not going to be an easy time! Pray that God would be their comfort in this time of turmoil. Please pray that Clark and I would have the wisdom to know how to help them with the adjustments! I will keep you updated!
***EDITED TO ADD A FEW PICTURES FROM THE DAY (click on the pictures to make them bigger***

Our first subject of each day is Bible and boy did God team me a lesson while I was teaching Bug! Our lesson today was on the 12 spies that went into the land of Cannan to report back what it was like. 2 of the spies trusted that even though the people of Cannan were big and seemed powerful God was bigger and could bring them into the Promised Land. However, the 10 other spies were overwhelemed, stressed out, worried and knew they would be defeated. In the end, God couldn't bless them because the refused to believe Him and trust Him.
Well, I was beginning to feel defeated. I was complaining and stressing. I was not trusting that He who began a good work in me by sending me to Korea would be faithful to complete it and get me home in His own way. So, I stopped in the middle of the Bible Lesson and prayed. I prayed that God would take care of every detail of the move. I admitted that I couldn't do it, but He could. I gave up my control! I had to walk through the living room (where they were working) after Bible and I was shoked to see that they had stopped unpacking my boxes. Instead they were now taping their boxes to the outside of my boxes. I soon figured out that their company logo had to be on the outside of each box and that it was not safe to ship things in the see through rubber maids I had used because it leads to temptation to steal what is in it. So, they were simply covering my boxes to make sure they got where they were going and they were safe! Isn't God good! He opens our eyes to what we cannot see when we let Him!
Well, now it is 12:30 and the movers have been gone for about 30 minutes. I can't believe it took from 9 to 12 to repack all that I spent 2 weeks packing and load it. A short 3 hours and our stuff was out the door, loaded in a truck and on its way to Seoul and eventually America! It was so easy and fast it is almost unbelievable.
My girls didn't have such an easy time seeing everything loaded up. Bean just sat in the middle of the living room and stared. Bless her heart she was so confused to see everything packed up and strangers taking it out of our house! Bug had a few tears shed and got some special hugs. All she could say is "moving isn't easy!" And I had to agree with her. Yes, we are very excited about moving back to America. We are very excited about being with family and old friends. But, we are leaving our second home. Korea is all Bean knows and all Bug remembers! They are leaving their home! This is why they are called Third Culture Kids. They aren't Korean, but America is not the home they know either. They have a third culture unique to kids who live as expats!
Today was really the beginning of the good-byes that will continue for the next 3 weeks! Please keep my sweet girls in your prayers as this is not going to be an easy time! Pray that God would be their comfort in this time of turmoil. Please pray that Clark and I would have the wisdom to know how to help them with the adjustments! I will keep you updated!
***EDITED TO ADD A FEW PICTURES FROM THE DAY (click on the pictures to make them bigger***

Isn't it amazing how God meets us where we are at...which in our case, is often in schooling our children. I am thankful the packing went well. He IS good! : )
I will keep you all in my prayers over the next few weeks.
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